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  • Company (that provides the nominated product / solution / service): OnePageCRM
  • Website:
  • Company size (employees): 10 to 49
  • Product Version Number: N/A
  • Type of solution: Software
  • Year this product or service was first introduced to the market: 2010
  • Approximate number of users worldwide: 10,000

In 3 bullets, summarize why this product or service deserves recognition:

OnePageCRM focused on creating a CRM with a built-in sales method and turned something that is normally very complicated into a simple to-do list, making our product easy to use no matter what your experience.

We have 10,000+ customers because we do two things: we put so much emphasis on getting the product right, and we put a huge emphasis on customer service with World-class customer support.

Achieved growth, doubling revenues over the last three years.

In less than 300 words, summarize the most important features and benefits of this product or service

OnePageCRM sells directly to all the corners of the globe, competing with the major brands. It’s more than just a CRM, built using GTD (Getting Things Done) productivity principles. We help salespeople and SME’s turn leads into customers, reach targets and grow their business fast. OnePageCRM, as the name suggests, keeps core CRM functions on one single page. With a 100% focus on sales actions, our Action Stream ensures you will never drop the ball on your leads again. Some of our best features include:

Lead Capture: You can quickly create contacts in OnePageCRM in just one click from Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, and Outlook 365 – eliminating the need for extra admin.

‘Enhance’ our powerful feature gives users the ability to “enhance” a contact’s profile using Full Contact. This enables you to pull data-rich information about that contact into the CRM including their profile picture. By keeping data entry to a minimum, the customer can focus on what they do best – selling!

Email Bulk Send – users can send emails in bulk based on pre-saved templates created from within the app. The added bonus is that you can edit each individual response to add an extra personalized note if desired.

Contact Management: Keep business contacts all together in our secure and trusted system where your team can access them at any time or on the go with our mobile apps.

Sales Forecasting- an interactive pipeline and new drag and drop format, gives you a unique view of your sales.

Customer Support: Our World-class Customer Support team are on hand to respond quickly to any queries across email, phone or live chat. We also provide learning resources from free weekly webinars and blogs designed to introduce and help you to learn more about using OnePageCRM.

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