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  • Company (that provides the nominated product / solution / service): QCN Travel Technologies
  • Website:
  • Product Version Number: LV2.07
  • Type of solution: Software
  • Year this product or service was first introduced to the market: 2015
  • Year the current version of this product or service has been released: 2016
  • Approximate number of users worldwide: 140

In 3 bullets, summarize why this product or service deserves recognition:

1 Novelty product for Leisure management - current trade dependency is largely on generic tools like word and excel for creation of the leisure packages. System driven, process compliant application for leisure management is what Lizure GDS is all about.

2. Enabling the DMC to Travel B2B distribution in Unique way:
Travel B2B eco system is highly leveraged and partnership driven. Lizure GDS support the content creation, white-labelled distribution

3. Create to Promote to Connect, Acquisition application
Leisure tour packages created by the partners can be promoted to multi channel distribution channel including the leisure tour market place

In less than 300 words, summarize the most important features and benefits of this product or service

Lizure GDS is leisure travel-centric application to support Travel B2B and DMCs. As a product lizure GDS, comprehensively supports the creation, distribution, promotion and distribution partnerships for leisure tour packages.

With the Hotels booking and Flight ticketing conclusively moving to the end-user domain, into the realm of Do-it-yourself (DIY), Travel agencies, DMCs and destination experts are presented with the renewed opportunity to present their expertise in terms of overall domain/destination knowledge, ground logistics which is still sought after by leisure seekers.

The current set of tools in the leisure trade are mainly the generic word doc and excel for creation which neither process controlled or structured. Lizure GDS help the travel b2b to create and promote error-free leisure packages on-demand. You can view the output of the lizure GDS created packages on

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