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Company Linkedin Thrive
  • Company (that provides the nominated product / solution / service): Thrive
  • Website:
  • Company size (employees): 1 to 9
  • Product Version Number: n/a
  • Type of solution: Software
  • Year this product or service was first introduced to the market: 2017
  • Year the current version of this product or service has been released: 2017

In 3 bullets, summarize why this product or service deserves recognition:

- Thrive is the first solution of its kind that requires no interaction from the salesperson post set up.

- In just a year Thrive has hundreds of companies signing up every month - companies of all sizes and in all geographies are benefitting from it!

- Thrive saves 4 hours a week in repetitive data entry tasks (based on customer feedback) and in turn, 84% of customers have seen an increase in sales since implementing Thrive.

In less than 300 words, summarize the most important features and benefits of this product or service

Thrive is an AI sales operation tool that unlike its competitors is full back-end solution. This makes Thrive powerfully unique as it’s completely autonomous and automatic.
Thrive uses machine learning to analyze conversations to successfully sync data to Salesforce. Working from sales best practices it will also remind the salesperson when a follow up is due or when attention is needed for a particular lead.
Thrive isn’t limited to just emails, it also syncs calendars and contacts to the CRM so that no data is ever lost or not accounted for. The perfect tool for sales managers as it ensures data is reliable and accurate.
Thrive is compatible with all email providers and works anytime, anywhere. No matter if you’re on holiday and emailing from your phone – Thrive will be there!

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