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3d stand team pictureDEMO JAM winner

In 3 bullets, summarize why this company deserves recognition:

* Natterbox transforms the phone experience businesses give to customers allowing easy personalisation, shortened menu systems and reduction of customers being passed around and queuing and supports its global customers with an intense implementation, mentoring, support and customer success focus.

* For sales agents Natterbox delivers a more informed experience and enables agents to log calls and details with greatly reduced clicks and effort. Call details are logged automatically in Salesforce, agents are given customised pops of customer information and service tickets and are provided a quick way to log the outcome of a call, resulting in proven greater productivity and greater accuracy of logged call details.

* Natterbox integration with Salesforce Sales Cloud and Service Cloud is unparalleled, being totally inside Salesforce and has won the hearts and minds of Salesforce customers, Salesforce partners and Salesforce themselves in 2017 resulting in a growing number of customer introductions and brand name wins and endorsements.

In less than 300 words, summarize the achievements of the company in the nominated category

Natterbox in 2017 launched AVS (Advanced Voice Services) continuing to revolutionise the customer telephony experience. As a Cloud Software Vendor and Telecommunications provider Natterbox is unique as the world’s 1st and only telephony service to run 100% inside the Salesforce platform, enabling customers to mix Salesforce and non Salesforce users, desk-phones, soft-phones, web-phones and mobiles all under one system.
By 2020 customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator (Source : Walker), yet today we put up with, prolonged voice menus, long call queues, being transferred to another department, having to repeat it all again and that’s if you can find a phone number to call!
• 75% customers believe it takes too long to reach an agent (Source : Harris Interactive)
• 67% customers hang up when they cannot get a real person (Source: Amex)
Businesses invest a lot of money and effort delivering personalised web journeys, yet with phones we are all treated the same, put through tortuous menu’s and frustrations. Natterbox fixes this affordably, empowering businesses to use live customer CRM data to deliver personalised shortened phone journeys, with high call quality around the globe.
Customer comments;
• “increased agent productivity of 80% which is incredible”
• “resulted in a 50% increase in agent productivity”
• “delivered at least an hour a day in productivity gains for each user, £4000 savings per user, £200,000 annual savings across the business.”
• “enabling us to understand agent and customer requirements and behaviour better, and allowing us to make changes to our customer experience as a result”
• “the customer experience has improved since we deployed Natterbox, resulting in higher conversion rates and higher sales”
• “It’s new technology helping us deliver ‘old school’ customer service’. It doesn’t matter how fast we grow, customers deserve to be treated as people and not account numbers”

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