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Manage Actions in EvolumiEvolumi Packages
  • Company (that provides the nominated product / solution / service): Lucapps AB
  • Website:
  • Company size (employees): 1 to 9
  • Product Version Number: 2.2
  • Type of solution: Software
  • Year this product or service was first introduced to the market: 2016
  • Year the current version of this product or service has been released: 2017
  • Approximate number of users worldwide: 2,300

In 3 bullets, summarize why this product or service deserves recognition:

▪ Evolumi is one of the best cloud-based CRM software for small and mid-sized businesses. Customers appraise Evolumi for its simple and easy-to-use interface, while maintaining a wide range of functionalities. Evolumi’s free package already includes a wide range of functionalities and is neither limited to users nor time. The plus package includes even more awesome features that surely helps your business to succeed. No matter which solution you choose, you won’t be disappointed.

▪ Evolumi was designed to fill the gap in the CRM market for an easy-to-use yet feature-rich CRM system sold at a reasonable price. With Evolumi, companies get the possibility to manage their customers in the most efficient way. Easily keep control of your complex sales process, manage all your contacts, create actions for any activity or task that is on your agenda, synchronize your calendar, send emails with just one click, call your customers from the system, get data driven insights… the list could go on and on. But just check it out on your own, no worries it’s for free.

▪ Evolumi is one of the fastest growing CRM providers in the Nordic countries. Just one year after the official launch, Evolumi is already going global. With its recent expansions to the English, Dutch, German and soon also Chinese market, Evolumi is accessible for anyone in the world. Evolumi is used by over 2,300 customers worldwide in 20 countries. And the best thing is that Evolumi is just getting started and never stops improving.

In less than 300 words, summarize the most important features and benefits of this product or service

Evolumi is a full-featured cloud-based CRM solution available for free without any user or time limitations. What is so special about Evolumi? Evolumi is created based on a futuristic perspective. We like to call Evolumi – the new generation CRM system. But see for yourself, here are some of the features included in Evolumi CRM:

Contact Management:
View everything about a customer in one central place including contact information, background, history, actions and deals. Add workgroups, files or financial statements. We offer everything you could possibly need to efficiently manage your contacts.

You’ll never be more organized with Evolumi CRM. Create actions for any activity that you need to do and efficiently work on them within the action flow. View all relevant information of your action and customer on one site without needing to switch between different tabs.

Deals are sales possibilities that you create and manage regarding what products or services a customer is interested in. Easily manage your deals in multiple customizable sales pipes with the convenient drag-and-drop functionality. Evolumi assures that you will never miss a sales opportunity again.

Insights provide you with a structured summary of what is happening in your organisation. Receive automatic reports to facilitate the evaluation and controlling process and easily monitor, analyse and improve the company’s performance.

Email Integration
Writing an email has never been that easy! Send emails with just one click in Evolumi. Turn repetitive emails into templates, add your signature, attach files or documents and track if your customers have opened or clicked on your email.

Next to these features, we also offer other functionalities such as chats, contract management, customisation, workgroups, email marketing features, e-signatures, e-documents, sales competition, sales commission and much more. Check out our website or our free package to learn more.

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