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  • Company (that provides the nominated product / solution / service):
  • Website:
  • Company size (employees): 1 to 9
  • Product Version Number: 1
  • Type of solution: Service
  • Year this product or service was first introduced to the market: 2018
  • Year the current version of this product or service has been released: 2018
  • Approximate number of users worldwide: 39

In 3 bullets, summarize why this product or service deserves recognition:

* We have never seen a sales rep that enjoyed working with a CRM. Our team recognized this as one of the most painful problems and our bot was designed to help sales reps spend less time on the CRM and close more deals.
* We are changing sales reps' daily lives by arming them with an innovative chat interface, while also replacing their traditional web-interactions with CRMs.
* Millions of sales reps worldwide are still manually updating CRM data and they deserve to know more about our solution that can exceed their usual sales targets.

In less than 300 words, summarize the most important features and benefits of this product or service is designed to help sales reps with the following benefits:
* Log deal activity on the go via Slack, without the need to login to your CRM.
* Sales reps are also humans and sometimes we forget to update a CRM after calls or meetings. This is where can spot the missing data, notify sales reps and let them update this data when it is missed.
* Sales reps can also manage their pipeline in Slack, thanks to, letting everyone focus on the most promising deals.
* Team’s performance review (at the end of each month, you will receive team analytics and reporting to identify how everyone can improve).

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